Principal's Message

Well, Autumn has certainly made it's appearance!  Thankfully, we were able to squeeze in our Terry Fox Run/Walk/Roll before the weather cooled off last week.  Thank you to everyone for your generous donations in support of the Terry Fox Foundation  - Just over $2000 was raised!! 

Thank you to everyone for your continued care and consideration in the Kiss and Ride Lane and Parking Lot!  Safety is the first priority and everyone is making a notable difference to ensure students are making it safely into class and home each day.

What's Happening @ AUPS this week... 

Monday, October 9 - Thanksgiving

  • Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 10 - Day 4

  • Diversity Equity and Inclusion/Multil-Language Learner Coach visit in the pm

Wednesday, October 11 - Day 5

  • Cross Country Meet

  • Grade 4 trip to Tiffin Center moved to November 

Thursday, October 12 - Day 1

Friday, October 13 -  Day 2

  • Photo Day