Principal's Message
Posted on 09/25/2023


Our yearly review of classroom numbers and actual enrollment has been completed and Alliston Union has experienced more growth than anticipated.  While this means a re-organization of classes, we now have an additional kindergarten class and primary classroom, lowering class numbers overall in our primary division. There are a number of students shifting classrooms and emails were distributed to impacted students on Monday evening.  We thank you for your guidance and understanding in supporting your child with this transition.  


What's Happening this week @ Alliston Union

Monday, September 25 - Day 4

  • Emails sent regarding turnaround to students shifting classrooms
  • Franco-Ontarian Day
  • Yom Kippur
  • National Truth and Reconciliation Week

Tuesday, September 26 - Day 5

  • Milad-un-Nabi

Wednesday, September 27 - Day 1

  • Turnaround Day

  • We welcome Mrs. Laird to Kindergarten DECE, partnering with Mrs. Chasmer

  • We welcome Ms. Masson to the primary division in Grade 1/2

  • We welcome Mrs. Luongo to Planning Time

Thursday, September 28 - Day 2

  • Meet the Staff Evening - 4:30-6:00pm! Looking forward to meeting everyone!

  • Anant Chaturdashi

Friday, September 29 -  Day 3 

  • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Wear your Orange Shirts today.

  • Mid-autumn Festival (Moon Festival)